[in random order]
- In the battle of Manila during WW2, AMERICANS BOMBED JAPANESE POSITIONS EVEN IF THEY KNEW THAT MANY FILIPINOS WILL BE CAUGHT IN THE CROSSFIRE. As a result, thousands of Filipinos died along with the Japanese. I think the word for that is COLLATERAL DAMAGE. Some liberators. Hmpf.
- Henry VIII was one of the world's biggest ARSEHOLES.
- One of the catalysts for the start of the HIPPIE movement was the invention of LSD. And even if the movement has died, it's spirit is still alive, ironically, through the internet and the personal computer. They were the brainchild of hippies.
- In WW2, Cebuano guerillas were able to retrieve some Japanese documents in a raid. They then sent it to the Americans. When translated, it was about Japanese ship movements in the Pacific. Using these documents, the Americans were able to beat the Japs in sea battles. See... PINOYS!!! Where would those fuckers be without us?
- In olden times, a number of Filipino Muslim pirates were called "raiders of the Sulu Sea" because they attacked villages and sold their hostages to slavery. When you compare it to today's Abu Sayyaf, you see that nothing has changed.

- Even if the Roman Empire lasted for a long time, they weren't always that mighty. There were sometimes beaten by small tribes in certain battles... like for example, a Celtic [not the NBA team] tribe led by a woman which name escapes me at the moment. Hannibal [not "the cannibal Lecter"] kicked their asses a lot. But for some reason, never attacked Rome.

- Most of Moses moves to escape from the Egyptians were actually precise military tactics. He was more of a military leader than a religious one. So was Joshua.
- The enemies of the 300 Spartans don't look like the clowns we see in the movie 300.

- The Mayan calendar and Nostradamus are correct. The world will end in 2012.
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