They could be the coolest old geezers I've ever seen. At the Muppet Show, they turned heckling into an art form. Because of that, they are a source of inspiration for me and many of my friends. Hell, some of my friends even look and sound like them.
Googled some of their famous lines:
WALDORF: They aren’t half bad.
STATLER: Nope, they’re ALL bad!
(Weezer video)
STATLER: I wonder if there really is life on another planet.
WALDORF: Why do you care? You don’t have a life on this one?
WALDORF: What’s all the commotion about?
STATLER: Waldorf, the bunny ran away!
WALDORF: Well, you know what that makes him -
BOTH: Smarter than us!
(Muppet Vision 3D)
Statler: Wake up you old fool. You slept through the show.
Waldorf: Who's a fool? You watched it. __________________
S: Waldorf!! Wake up! Here come the bikinis!
W: Oh boy! Let's syncronize our pace makers!
Waldorf: Just when you think this show is terrible something wonderful happens.
Statler: What?
Waldorf: It ends.
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