Thursday, April 29, 2010

lilliput sub cult

When I was a kid, I used to love this cartoon...

It's about the adventures of a guy named Gulliver in Lilliput,
a place full of little people.
One of the cartoon's most memorable characters was this guy...

His name: GLUM.
His most appealing character trait? Well his name says it all - glumness.
Anyway, nothing came out of his mouth but these words...

Jeez, talk about unbridled pessimism.
And boy did he make an impression on little old me.

Throughout my growing up years,
I kept on hearing Glum's famous words.

Maybe it resonated to all kids my age
because when we got to high school,
we listened to the 80s version of EMO -
dark, pessimistic, sarcastic new wave.

Well, my generation is all grown up now.
In fact we're middle aged or whatever you want to call it.
Pessimism has changed to unbridled optimism.

But somehow, someway, sometimes,
when things don't go our way
at work, while playing sports, in life,
or even about the goings-on in this country,
I still hear the famous words of Glum... faintly...
"We're doomed, we'll never make it."

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